

EFTHYMIOS & ANTONIOS NIGDELIS LTD.  company has as its object the import and trade of bearings and related items.



For more than 35 years, EFTHYMIOS & ANTONIOS NIGDELIS LTD. company  has been working closely with the Hellenic shipping company, offering its services.


Since “November 2016” the company E. & A. NIGDELIS E.P.E. officially distributes the excellent quality NACHI bearings

High Quality Merchandise

Official Distributor of Bearings, Ball Bearing Units and Related Items

Nigdelis E. & A. Ltd., a family company, was found in 1986, in Piraeus port. We have been established to our privately-owned building since 1998, with great stock of products.

A great scheme network of retailers have been settled in Greek Market and especially in Piraeus. Cooperation with Navigation and Shipping companies, with Factories, Industries, Agriculture, Machine shops/Turneries, with many steady visits to all over Greece.

Nigdelis Company represents the NACHI Japan products in Greece, since November 2016. Also great imports in KINEX Slovakia products and HTH Chinese products too.

We have in-depth knowledge about bearings, trade and marker requirements and our endeavor is to satisfy our customers’ requests.